Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Sed Love Story Short Lyrics

                 A leart Breaking Love Story

              There was a guy who was so tired of reading his

girlfriend's message because there are always

"I love you!", "I miss you!" or

"Hey, have you had your meal?"

One night while lying on the bed, he received

a text message from her. He didn't read it,

instead he ignored it and slept off.

In the morning, he got a call from his girlfriend's

mom. She was crying helpless while telling him

that his girlfriend was killed that night she sent

the text to him. He remembered there was a

message that came in and he read it...

"Honey please come & help me, Someone is

following me, I'm close to your street...please"

MORAL: Never ignore a person who

loves you and cares for you because

one day you may realise you've lost

the moon while counting the star

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