Sunday, June 18, 2023

Short Story Guy Girl

  What i World Do For You


           A girl and guy were Speeding over 100 mph on motorcycel.

    Girl.. Slow down. I am scard.

   Guy.. No this is fun.

  Girl. No its not please. It.s too scary.

Guy. Then tell me you love me.

 Girl. Fine i love you slow down.

Guy. No give me big hug.

Girl. Hug him. 

Guy. Can you take my helment of and put it on.

         Its bugging me in the pepar the next day.

         A motorcycel had crashed into a build-ing

       Because of brake failure. Two people were

     On the motorcycel but only one survived.

       The truth was that halfway down the road.

       The guy realized that his brakes broke. But

    He didn.t want to let the.

Girl. Know. Instead. He had her say she loved him felt her hug on last time then had her wear. His helmet so she world live even though. It meant he world die.

   Love me like you Do

One like a rainbow ite colorful and makes people Smille love is like  an ocean it s deep and  Beautiful 
 Love is like. 

   The sun it shines and its warm love is like rain its caim and refresing 
Will you let me show you  that love 
       The girl shook her hesd  while. Smiling "

no" the guy looked down sodly and then he heard her saying these world i want you to shiw me your love 

          You are my Angel. 

    Boy.  I world like you to do something                            importan for me. 
     Girl. Yes
      Boy. When you get home today, thank 
                Your mom for me. 

     Girl. Sure but why
     Boy. Thank her because she gave birth                    to an angel who was put in to my               life and one day whom i hope will becom my wifi 

       The Confessian of lover

Girl. Can i confess something
 Guy. Sure
Girl. You have the prettiest smile i            "ve ever seen. 
Guy. Can i confess something as                     well" 
Girl. Yeah. 
Guy. This smile only exists                                becouse     of     you. 

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